Employee Onboarding

Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template

The Employee Onboarding Template is meticulously crafted for organizations aiming to provide a seamless and engaging experience for their new hires. Whether you’re an HR professional, a team leader, or part of the management, this template streamlines the onboarding process, ensuring that your employees feel welcomed and well-prepared.

Key Components:

Orientation Materials:

  1. Welcome Package: A comprehensive introduction to the company culture, values, and mission.
  2. Company Policies and Procedures: Clear guidelines on expectations, benefits, and workplace conduct.
  3. Training Schedules: Structured plans for skill development, compliance training, and role-specific learning.

Practical Tools and Information:

  1. HR Paperwork: Efficiently handle forms related to employment, benefits, and legal requirements.
  2. Mentorship Programs: Pair new hires with experienced colleagues for guidance and support.
  3. Health and Safety Guidelines: Ensure employees understand safety protocols and emergency procedures.

Customizable Features:

  1. Branding Elements: Tailor the template to reflect your organization’s visual identity.
  2. Checklists: Keep track of completed tasks during the onboarding journey.
  3. Feedback Mechanisms: Gather insights from new hires to continuously improve the process.


  1. Traditional Onboarding: Smoothly integrate employees into their roles within the office environment.
  2. Remote Onboarding: Extend a warm welcome to virtual team members with virtual orientations and digital resources.
  3. Managerial Onboarding: Equip new managers with the tools they need to lead effectively.

Download Options:

  • PowerPoint (PPTX): Ideal for offline presentations and customization.
  • Google Slides: Collaborate seamlessly with colleagues and access your presentation from any device.

Remember, a well-executed onboarding process sets the tone for a positive employee experience. Let the Employee Onboarding Template be your guide in fostering a supportive and productive work environment! 🌟🤝

Feel free to download this template to enhance your onboarding process. If you have specific requirements or need further customization, adapt it to suit your organization’s unique needs. 👥🚀

How to use this template

  1. Click on "Use this template" to create a copy of the template.
  2. Edit the template, and save it in PDF format.
  3. Access the RELAYTO template and update the PDF.
Note: If you created templates, they may be under the Personal tab. Business customers may see a Company tab with themed templates.